The Bertelsmann Stiftung's Transformation Index (BTI) analyzes and evaluates the quality of democracy, a market economy, and political management in 137 developing and transition countries. It measures successes and setbacks on the path toward democracy based on the rule of law and a socially responsible market economy.
In-depth country reports provide the basis for assessing the state of transformation and persistent challenges and for evaluating the ability of policymakers to carry out consistent and targeted reforms. The BTI is the first cross-national comparative index that collects data to comprehensively measure the quality of governance during processes of transition.
Last updated by source: 2022-03-17
Dataset type: | Time-Series |
Dataset level: | Country |
(Donner et al.,
To what extent can individuals form and join independent political or civic groups? To what extent can these groups operate and assemble freely? From 1 to 10. 1. Association and assembly rights are denied. Independent civic groups do not exist or are prohibited. 4. Association and assembly rights are severely limited. Oppositional political groups with any relevance are prohibited or systematically disabled. Independent civic groups can operate and assemble if they support the regime or are not outspokenly critical of it. 7. Association and assembly rights are partially limited, but generally there are no outright prohibitions of independent political or civic groups. 10. Association and assembly rights are unrestricted for individuals and independent political or civic groups within the basic democratic order.
More about this variableTo what extent does the government successfully contain corruption? From 1 to 10. 1. The government fails to contain corruption, and there are no integrity mechanisms in place. 4. The government is only partly willing and able to contain corruption, while the few integrity mechanisms implemented are mostly ineffective. 7. The government is often successful in containing corruption. Most integrity mechanisms are in place, but some are functioning only with limited effectiveness. 10. The government is successful in containing corruption, and all integrity mechanisms are in place and effective.
More about this variableHow strong is the citizens' approval of democratic norms and procedures? From 1 to 10. 1. Approval of democratic norms and procedures is very low. 4. Approval of democratic norms and procedures is fairly low. 7. Approval of democratic norms and procedures is fairly high. 10. Approval of democratic norms and procedures is very high.
More about this variableTo what extent do basic administrative structures exist? From 1 to 10. 1. The administrative structures of the state are limited to keeping the peace and maintaining law and order. Their territorial scope is very limited, and broad segments of the population are not covered. 4. The administrative structures of the state are extending beyond maintaining law and order, but their territorial scope and effectivity are limited. 7. The administrative structures of the state provide the most basic public services throughout the country, but their operation is, to some extent, deficient. 10. The state has a differentiated administrative structure throughout the country, which provides all basic public services.
More about this variableTo what extent are democratic institutions accepted as legitimate by the relevant actors? From 1 to 10. 1. There are no democratic institutions as such (authoritarian regimes). 4. Only individual institutions are accepted, while influential actors hold vetoes. Acceptance remains unstable over time. 7. Most democratic institutions are accepted as legitimate by most relevant actors. 10. All democratic institutions are accepted as legitimate by all relevant actors.
More about this variableHow serious are social, ethnic, and religious conflicts? From 1 to 10. 1. There are no violent incidents based on social, ethnic, or religious differences. 4. There are only a few violent incidents. Radical political actors have limited success in mobilizing along existing cleavages. Society and the political elite, however, are divided along social, ethnic, or religious lines. 7. There are violent incidents. Mobilized groups and protest movements dominate politics. Society and the political elite are deeply split into social classes, ethnic or religious communities. 10. There is a civil war or a widespread violent conflict based on social, ethnic, or religious differences.
More about this variableThere are institutional or political precautions to achieve monetary and fiscal stability. Including 'To what extent does the monetary authority pursue and communicate a consistent monetary stabilization policy?' and 'To what extent do the government's budgetary policies support fiscal stability?'
More about this variableTo what extent are civil rights guaranteed and protected, and to what extent can citizens seek redress for violations of these rights? From 1 to 10. 1. Civil rights are not guaranteed, and are frequently violated. There are no mechanisms and institutions to protect citizens against violations of their rights. 4. Civil rights are guaranteed only within limited enclaves or are violated over protracted periods of time. Some mechanisms and institutions to prosecute, punish and redress violations of civil rights are established formally but do not function. 7. Civil rights are guaranteed but are partially or temporarily violated or are not protected in some parts of the country. Mechanisms and institutions to prosecute, punish and redress violations of civil rights are in place but often prove to be ineffective. 10. Civil rights are guaranteed by the constitution and respected by all state institutions. Infringements present an extreme exception. Citizens are effectively protected by mechanisms and institutions established to prosecute, punish and redress violations of their rights.
More about this variableTo what extent does the political leadership enable the participation of civil society in the political process? From 1 to 10. 1. The political leadership obstructs civil society participation. It suppresses civil society organizations and excludes its representatives from the policy process. 4. The political leadership neglects civil society participation. It frequently ignores civil society actors and formulates its policy autonomously. 7. The political leadership permits civil society participation. It takes into account and accommodates the interests of most civil society actors. 10. The political leadership actively enables civil society participation. It assigns an important role to civil society actors in deliberating and determining policies.
More about this variableTo what extent are there traditions of civil society? From 1 to 10. 1. Traditions of civil society are very strong. 4. Traditions of civil society are fairly strong. 7. Traditions of civil society are fairly weak. 10. Traditions of civil society are very weak.
More about this variableDemocracy Status: The state of democracy is measured in terms of five criteria; including stateness, political participation, rule of law, stability of the democratic institutions, and political and social integration. From 1 to 10.
More about this variableExpert answer to the question "To what extent are environmental concerns effectively taken into account?'' The variable ranges from 1 to 10, where 1 is "Environmental concerns receive no consideration and are entirely subordinated to growth efforts. There is no environmental regulation", 4 is "Environmental concerns receive only sporadic consideration and are often subordinated to growth efforts. Environmental regulation is weak and hardly enforced", 7 is "Environmental concerns are taken into account but are occasionally subordinated to growth efforts. Environmental regulation and incentives are in place, but their enforcement at times is deficient", and 10 is "Environmental concerns are effectively taken into account and are carefully balanced with growth efforts. Environmental regulation and incentives are in place and enforced".
More about this variableTo what extent does equality of opportunity exist? From 1 to 10. 1. Equality of opportunity is not achieved. Women and/or members of ethnic or religious groups have only very limited access to education, public office, and employment. There are no legal provisions against discrimination. 4. Equality of opportunity is only partially achieved. Women and/or members of ethnic, religious, and other groups have limited access to education, public office, and employment. There are some legal provisions against discrimination, but their implementation is highly deficient. 7. Equality of opportunity is largely achieved. Women and members of ethnic or religious groups have near-equal access to education, public office, and employment. There are a number of legal provisions against discrimination, but their implementation is at times insufficient. 10. Equality of opportunity is achieved. Women and members of ethnic or religious groups have equal access to education, public office, and employment. There is a comprehensive and effective legal and institutional framework for the protection against discrimination.
More about this variableHow does the economy, as measured in quantitative indicators, perform? From 1 to 10. 1. The economic performance is very poor. Strongly negative macroeconomic data may include negative GDP growth rates, very high unemployment levels, high inflation, large budget deficits, unreasonably high debt and an increasingly unsustainable current account position. 4. The economic performance is poor. Continuing negative macroeconomic data may include stagnant GDP levels, relatively high unemployment levels, low price stability, an unbalanced budget, rising debt and a volatile current account position. 7. The economic performance is good. Moderately positive macroeconomic data may include low GDP growth rates, only moderate unemployment levels, relative price stability, a slightly unbalanced budget, a tendency toward debt and a manageable current account position. 10. The economic performance is very good. Positive macroeconomic data may include relatively high GDP growth rates, relatively high employment levels, price stability, a balanced budget, a reasonable debt, and a sustainable current account position.
More about this variableEconomic Performance: The economy's performance points to solid development. From 1 to 10.
More about this variableTo what extent do democratically elected political representatives have the effective power to govern, or to what extent are there veto powers and political enclaves? From 1 to 10. 1. Political decision-makers are not democratically elected. 4. Democratically elected political representatives have limited power to govern. Strong veto groups are able to undermine fundamental elements of democratic procedures. 7. Democratically elected political representatives have considerable power to govern. However, individual power groups can set their own domains apart or enforce special-interest policies. 10. Democratically elected political representatives have the effective power to govern. No individual or group is holding any de facto veto power.
More about this variableTo what extent are political representatives determined by general, free and fair elections? From 1 to 10. 1. There are no elections on free and fair elections. 4. General, multi-party elections are held, conducted properly and accepted as the means of filling political posts. However, there are some constraints on the fairness of the elections with regard to registration, campaigning or media access. 7. General elections are held, but serious irregularities during the voting process and ballot count occur. The rights to vote, campaign, and run for office are restricted, and elections have de facto only limited influence over who governs. 10. National elections, if held at all, are entirely unfree and unfair.
More about this variableTo what extent can citizens, organizations, and the mass media express opinions freely? From 1 to 10. 1. Freedom of expression is denied. Independent media do not exist or are prohibited. 4. Freedom of expression is often subject to interference or government restrictions. Distortion and manipulation shape matters of public debate. 7. Freedom of expression is occasionally subject to interference or government restrictions, but there are generally no incidents of blatant intrusions like outright state censorship or media shutdowns. 10. Freedom of expression is guaranteed against interference or government restrictions. Individuals, groups and the press can fully exercise these rights.
More about this variableGovernance Index: It groups the scores of the level of difficulty of management, the steering capacity, the resource efficiency, consensus building, and international cooperation. From 1 to 10. Higher scores mean a higher quality of governance.
More about this variableGovernance Performance: It groups the scores of the steering capability, resource efficiency, consensus building, and international cooperation. From 1 to 10. Higher scores mean higher governance performance.
More about this variableThe political leadership is willing and able to cooperate with external supporters and organizations. Including 'To what extent does the political leadership use the support of international partners to implement a long-term strategy of development?', 'To what extent does the government act as a credible and reliable partner in its relations with the international community?' and 'To what extent is the political leadership willing and able to cooperate with neighboring countries?'.
More about this variableTo what extent is there a network of cooperative associations or interest groups to mediate between society and the political system? From 1 to 10. 1. Interest groups are present only in isolated social segments, are on the whole poorly balanced and cooperate little. A large number of social interests remain unrepresented. 4. There is a narrow range of interest groups, in which important social interests are underrepresented. Only a few players dominate, and there is a risk of polarization. 7. There is an average range of interest groups, which reflect most social interests. However, a few strong interests dominate, producing a latent risk of pooling conflicts. 10. There is a broad range of interest groups that reflect competing social interests. They tend to balance one another and are cooperative.
More about this variableTo what extent does an independent judiciary exist? From 1 to 10. 1. The judiciary is not independent and not institutionally differentiated. 4. The independence of the judiciary is heavily impaired by political authorities and high levels of corruption. It is to some extent institutionally differentiated, but severely restricted by functional deficits, insufficient territorial operability and scarce resources. 7. The judiciary is largely independent, even though occasionally its decisions are subordinated to political authorities or influenced by corruption. It is institutionally differentiated, but partially restricted by insufficient territorial or functional operability. 10. The judiciary is independent and free both from unconstitutional intervention by other institutions and from corruption. It is institutionally differentiated, and there are mechanisms for judicial review of legislative or executive acts.
More about this variableLevel of Difficulty in Management: it groups the scores of the structural constraints, the civil society traditions and the conflict intensity of a society. From 1 to 10. Higher scores indicate more constraints on management.
More about this variableEconomy Status: It groups the scores of the level of socioeconomic development, the organization of the market and competition, currency and price stability, private property, the welfare regime, economic performance, and sustainability. From 1 to 10. Higher scores reflect advanced economy status.
More about this variableOrganization of the Market and Competition: There are clear rules for stable, market-based competition. From 1 to 10. State-guaranteed rules for market competition with equal opportunities for all market participants exist in countries with higher scores.
More about this variableTo what extent does the state's monopoly on the use of force cover the entire territory of the country? From 1 to 10. 1. There is no state monopoly on the use of force. 4. The state's monopoly on the use of force is established only in key parts of the country. Large areas of the country are controlled by guerrillas, paramilitaries or clans. 7. The state's monopoly on the use of force is established nationwide in principle, but it is challenged by guerrillas, mafias or clans in territorial enclaves. 10. There is no competition with the state's monopoly on the use of force throughout the entire territory.
More about this variableTo what extent are legal order and political institutions defined without interference by religious dogmas? From 1 to 10. 1. The state is theocratic. Religious dogmas define legal order and political institutions. 4. Secular and religious norms are in conflict over the basic constitution of the state or are forming a hybrid system. 7. The state is largely secular. However, religious dogmas have considerable influence on legal order and political institutions. 10. The state is secular. Religious dogmas have no noteworthy influence on legal order or political institutions.
More about this variableAre democratic institutions capable of performing? From 1 to 10. 1. There are no democratic institutions as such (authoritarian regimes). 4. Democratic institutions exist but they are unstable and ineffective. 7. Democratic institutions perform their functions in principle, but often are inefficient due to friction between institutions. 10. The ensemble of democratic institutions is effective and efficient. As a rule, political decisions are prepared, made, implemented, and reviewed in legitimate procedures by the appropriate authorities.
More about this variableTo what extent are public officeholders who abuse their positions prosecuted or penalized? From 1 to 10. 1. Office holders who break the law and engage in corruption can do so without fear of legal consequences or adverse publicity. 4. Office holders who break the law and engage in corruption are not prosecuted adequately under the law, but occasionally attract adverse publicity. 7. Officeholders who break the law and engage in corruption generally are prosecuted under established laws and often attract adverse publicity, but occasionally slip through political, legal or procedural loopholes. 10. Officeholders who break the law and engage in corruption are prosecuted rigorously under established laws and always attract adverse publicity.
More about this variablePolitical Participation: The populace decides who rules, and it has other political freedoms. From 1 to 10. Higher scores refer to better conditions of political participation and other political freedoms.
More about this variableThere are adequate conditions to support a functional private sector. Including 'To what extent do government authorities ensure well-defined rights of private property and regulate the acquisition, benefits, use and sale of property?' and 'To what extent are private companies permitted and protected? Are privatization processes conducted in a manner consistent with market principles?'.
More about this variableTo what extent is there a stable and socially rooted party system able to articulate and aggregate societal interests? From 1 to 10. 1. There is no party system to articulate and aggregate societal interests. 4. The party system is unstable with shallow roots in society: high fragmentation, high voter volatility, and high polarization. 7. The party system is fairly stable and socially rooted: moderate fragmentation, moderate voter volatility, and moderate polarization. 10. The party system is stable and socially rooted: it is able to articulate and aggregate societal interest with low fragmentation, low voter volatility and low polarization.
More about this variablePolitical and Social Integration: Stable patterns of representation exist for mediating between society and the state; there is also a consolidated civic culture. From 1 to 10.
More about this variableRule of Law: State powers check and balance one another and ensure civil rights. Including 'To what extent is there a working separation of powers (checks and balances)', 'To what extent does an independent judiciary exist?', 'To what extent are public officeholders who abuse their positions prosecuted or penalized?' and 'To what extent are civil rights guaranteed and protected, and to what extent can citizens seek redress for violations of these rights?'.
More about this variableSocial Capital: To what extent have social self-organization and the construction of social capital advanced? This question aims to assess the level of trust between citizens, which fosters cooperation and mutual support for purposes of self-help, rather than primarily to further political objectives. 1. There is a very low level of trust among the population, and civic self-organization is rudimentary. 4. There is a fairly low level of trust among the population. The small number of autonomous, self-organized groups, associations and organizations is unevenly distributed or spontaneous and temporary. 7. There is a fairly high level of trust among the population and a substantial number of autonomous, self-organized groups, associations and organizations. 10. There is a very high level of trust among the population and a large number of autonomous, self-organized groups, associations and organizations.
More about this variableStability of Democratic Institutions: Democratic institutions are capable of performing, and they are adequately accepted as legitimate. From 1 to 10.
More about this variableTo what extent are significant parts of the population fundamentally excluded from society due to poverty and inequality? From 1 to 10. 1. Poverty and inequality are extensive and structurally ingrained. 4. Poverty and inequality are pronounced and partly structurally ingrained. 7. Poverty and inequality are limited and barely structurally ingrained. 10. Poverty and inequality are minor and not structurally ingrained.
More about this variableSocio-Economic Level: In principle, the country's level of development permits an adequate freedom of choice for all citizens. From 1 to 10. Higher scores are present for countries with better socio-economic levels.
More about this variableTo what extent do all relevant groups in society agree about citizenship and accept the nation-state as legitimate? From 1 to 10. 1. The legitimacy of the nation-state is questioned fundamentally. Different population groups compete for hegemony and deny citizenship to others. 4. The legitimacy of the nation-state is frequently challenged. Significant aspects of citizenship are withheld from entire population groups. 7. The legitimacy of the nation-state is rarely questioned. Some groups are denied full citizenship rights. 10. The large majority of the population accepts the nation-state as legitimate. All individuals and groups enjoy the right to acquire citizenship without discrimination.
More about this variableTo what extent is there a working separation of powers (checks and balances)? From 1 to 10. 1. There is no separation of powers, neither de jure nor de facto. 4. One branch, generally the executive, has an ongoing and either informally or formally confirmed monopoly on power, which may include the colonization of other powers, even though they are institutionally differentiated. 7. The separation of powers generally is in place and functioning. Partial or temporary restrictions of checks and balances occur, but a restoration of balance is sought. 10. There is a clear separation of powers with mutual checks and balances.
More about this variableTo what extent do social safety nets provide compensation for social risks? From 1 to 10. 1. Social safety nets do not exist. Poverty is combated hardly at all, or only ad hoc. 4. Social safety nets are rudimentary and cover only few risks for a limited number of beneficiaries. The majority of the population is at risk of poverty. 7. Social safety nets are well developed, but do not cover all risks for all strata of the population. A significant part of the population is still at risk of poverty. 10. Social safety nets are comprehensive and compensate for social risks, especially nationwide health care and a well-focused prevention of poverty.
More about this variableStateness: There is clarity about the nation's existence as a state with adequately established and differentiated power structures From 1 to 10.
More about this variableEconomic growth is balanced, environmentally sustainable and future-oriented. Including 'To what extent are environmental concerns effectively taken into account?' and 'To what extent are there solid institutions for basic, secondary and tertiary education, as well as for research and development?'.
More about this variableWelfare Regime: Assesses whether there are available arrangements to compensate for social risks. From 1 to 10. Including 'To what extent do social safety nets provide compensation for social risks?' and 'To what extent does equality of opportunity exist?'.
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